We put together this dashboard as a technical challenge to see what it would take to extract text from a magazine style web page and attempt to turn it into data. Although it's incomplete, version 1.0 has been released right after Grantland's 2 year anniversary.
The Flaws
This data presented here is flawed and will most likely never be perfect. But we are optimizing the conversion engine every week. Here are the known issues.
Unable to attribute almost 200 posts to a particular author.
List of mailbags is incomplete.
Haven't scrubbed out the Director's Cut and Vault posts.
Some curse words shouldn't be considered a curse word. For instance someone who's first name is Dick.
There are multiple authors who are the same person. Still merging these together manually.
Filtering out who wrote what in the Grantland Staff articles is still being worked on. This will affect the overall word count and metrics associated with words and tags.